General Ultrasound

Transvaginal Ultrasound 76830


A Probe is inserted a small way into the vagina and images are obtained of the uterus, ovaries and endometrial canal are obtained. Any cyst or solid areas are measured. Images are sent to the radiologist and a report is sent to your doctor that day. Prep Instructions A Probe is inserted a small way [...]

Transvaginal Ultrasound 768302019-06-14T17:26:41+00:00

Pelvic Ultrasound 76856


Drink 32 oz. of water 30 minutes prior to the examination. Images of the Uterus and Ovaries and endometrial canal are obtained. Any cyst or solid areas are measured off. Images are sent to the radiologist and a report is sent to your physician that day. Prep Instructions Drink 32 oz. of water 30 minutes [...]

Pelvic Ultrasound 768562019-06-14T17:28:35+00:00

Testicular/scrotal US 93975/76870


Warm acoustic gel is placed on the scrotum region. Images of the teste and epididymis or obtained. Color flow Doppler is performed to r/o torsion and masses. Any cyst or solid areas are measured. Images are sent to the radiologist to be read. A report is sent to your physician that day. Prep Instructions [...]

Testicular/scrotal US 93975/768702019-06-14T17:30:38+00:00

Thyroid US 76536


Thyroid ultrasound is used to identify any type of cyst or solid nodules in the thyroid gland. The thyroid ultrasound involves the use of an acoustic gel and ultrasound transducer. The transducer is moved around the neck over the thyroid gland below the "Adams Apple". If nodules are present, they are measured and sent to [...]

Thyroid US 765362019-06-14T17:32:47+00:00

Retroperitoneal AA ultrasound 76775


Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before the exam. Acoustic gel is applied to the abdomen. Images of of the Aorta are taken in longitudinal and transverse. This exam is to r/o Aortic aneurysm which could lead to death. Images are obtained and sent to the radiologist and a report is sent [...]

Retroperitoneal AA ultrasound 767752019-06-14T17:35:22+00:00

Renal/Retroperitoneal Us complete 76775


Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before the exam. An acoustic gel is applied to the abdomen Images of the Right and left Kidney and bladder are obtained and we send the image to the radiologist to be read. A report is sent to your physician that day. Prep Instructions Nothing to [...]

Renal/Retroperitoneal Us complete 767752019-06-14T17:36:43+00:00

Abdomen Ultrasound Complete 76700


Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before the exam. Images of the Spleen, Rt and Lt Kidneys, Pancreas, Aorta, Liver,Gall Bladder, Common bile duct, and bladder are obtained and we send the image to the radiologist to be read. A report is sent to your physician that day. Prep Instructions Nothing to [...]

Abdomen Ultrasound Complete 767002019-06-14T17:38:35+00:00
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